This is an experimental system that has been released for immediate public use, but there are still a few known issues on which
we are working. If you find any other problems, let us know.
Wishlist / Known bug list
- Not yet looked at what happens with RA range searches around 0 hours
- JPEG with the search position drawn on
- Sort result list by distance of target from image center
- Name resovler
- Tick boxes to select files for tarball. Will this ever be used? For large numbers is it easier to just
get everything and for small numbers, easier just to download them individually rather than select them and
then request tarball?
Previous wishlist items for deletion
- Image closest to specific time. Is this really useful? Better to just use time and max_rows=1?
Note that even without setting max_rows=1, by default the image you want would appear at the top of the
list if you do nothing other than enter a time in the box and click submit.
Do folk really want this one? I am happy to add it, but a complaint in the past has been that forms
get too imposing, so maybe fewer boxes is better?

Maintenance : Robert J Smith (r.j.smith@ljmu.ac.uk)
Astrophysics Research Institute,
Liverpool John Moores University
Thu Apr 16 00:48:46 BST 2009